Welcome to 2018. Hope you’ve had something of a break. Whether it was just a few days with close family or a month long adventure across the world, I hope you have had the time to reflect upon 2017 and enjoy a dust settled view of what was, and what can be.
With a few weeks out of the office I’ve had the opportunity to freshen my own perspective and set a few priorities for the year ahead. So it's back to work with a little sun burn, a plethora of hidden mosquito bites and a to do list that both frightens and thrills me.
Do you have such a list? A list from the quiet that settles in your mind when you get the opportunity to step back for a few weeks, a list that you are almost afraid to share? Write it down. Email it to yourself in the morning. Take action. Follow your heart.
Welcome to 2018. It is a year for the brave (aren’t they all?). A terrific young man, Josh Fechter, wrote recently, “Leadership is a choice. A choice to feel the fear, then take the first step anyway”. Great words.
Thank you so much for your support in 2017 and for your continued support. For those of you that are living the big life and flying on our early service to Sydney, the QF2015, in February – we want to shout you a coffee. Read about it below.
Here’s to taking the first step anyway. Here’s to audacity and creativity, to ambition, hard work and plenty of heart. Your dreams are out there. Go get them.
From Toowoomba to the World.
Sara Hales
General Manager, Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport